Statistics & Research about Lytle,TX - Watmuff Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Lytle,TX an area served by Watmuff Insurance Services Inc

14610 Main St Ste 105
Phone : (830) 709-0250

Real estate research for area nearby Watmuff Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Castroville-LaCoste 131,300 785 7.2
Pleasanton 94,200 769 9.8
Castroville 160,200 815 6.1
Lytle 87,200 639 8.8
Atascosa County 83,300 699 10.1
Olmos Park 635,800 676 1.3
Castle Hills 243,300 949 4.7
Shavano Park 536,500 857 1.9
Alamo Heights 416,200 968 2.8
Devine-Natalia 98,000 681 8.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Watmuff Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Castroville-LaCoste 944
Pleasanton 1763
Castroville 237
Lytle 332
Atascosa County 4635
Olmos Park 184
Castle Hills 329
Shavano Park 90
Alamo Heights 1158
Devine-Natalia 1705
Lakehills 1223
China Grove 27
Terrell Hills 307
Bexar County 145956
Devine 410

Number of whites in places near by Watmuff Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of whites
Castroville-LaCoste 13094
Pleasanton 12615
Castroville 2511
Lytle 2632
Atascosa County 36395
Olmos Park 2065
Castle Hills 3757
Shavano Park 2703
Alamo Heights 6393
Devine-Natalia 15223
Lakehills 5289
China Grove 1053
Terrell Hills 4556
Bexar County 1293143
Devine 3918

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Watmuff Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Castroville-LaCoste 89600
Pleasanton 56900
Castroville 121400
Lytle 78600
Atascosa County 78200
Olmos Park 630700
Castle Hills 228500
Shavano Park 302600
Alamo Heights 534600
Devine-Natalia 94800
Lakehills 290900
China Grove 140300
Terrell Hills 397200
Bexar County 89300
Devine 78800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Watmuff Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Castroville-LaCoste 969
Pleasanton 769
Castroville 135
Lytle 191
Atascosa County 2481
Olmos Park 265
Castle Hills 485
Shavano Park 404
Alamo Heights 470
Devine-Natalia 1074
Lakehills 268
China Grove 86
Terrell Hills 413
Bexar County 113041
Devine 78