Statistics & Research about Helotes,TX - Premier Group Ins-Marshburn T

Here are some statistics & research about Helotes,TX an area served by Premier Group Ins-Marshburn T

13438 BANDERA RD STE 100
Phone : 210-695-3511

Real estate research for area nearby Premier Group Ins-Marshburn T

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Natalia 71,000 643 10.9
Lakehills 158,100 595 4.5
Shavano Park 536,500 857 1.9
Castroville-LaCoste 131,300 785 7.2
Canyon Lake 232,600 1023 5.3
Hollywood Park 270,500 1339 5.9
Lytle 87,200 639 8.8
Bulverde 237,800 676 3.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Premier Group Ins-Marshburn T

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Lackland AFB 49
Natalia 272
Lakehills 1223
Shavano Park 90
Castroville-LaCoste 944
Canyon Lake 3917
Hollywood Park 167
Lytle 332
Bulverde 62
Randolph AFB 40
China Grove 27
San Antonio Central 75231
Windcrest 183
LaCoste 101
Universal City 1256

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Premier Group Ins-Marshburn T

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Natalia 85000
Lakehills 114300
Shavano Park 484100
Castroville-LaCoste 115600
Canyon Lake 162200
Hollywood Park 383000
Lytle 81800
Bulverde 231000
China Grove 186400
San Antonio Central 81200
Windcrest 202700
LaCoste 32300
Universal City 161000

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Premier Group Ins-Marshburn T

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Natalia 70300
Lakehills 290900
Shavano Park 302600
Castroville-LaCoste 89600
Canyon Lake 142500
Hollywood Park 244700
Lytle 78600
Bulverde 413200
China Grove 140300
San Antonio Central 79200
Windcrest 157200
LaCoste 69300
Universal City 107000

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Premier Group Ins-Marshburn T

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Natalia 77200
Lakehills 259000
Shavano Park 793000
Castroville-LaCoste 196300
Canyon Lake 297800
Hollywood Park 334600
Lytle 141700
Bulverde 327100
China Grove 237500
San Antonio Central 107100
Windcrest 235100
LaCoste 65400
Universal City 163100