Statistics & Research about Shiner,TX - M J Carter & Company Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Shiner,TX an area served by M J Carter & Company Inc

216 W Moore Moulton

Real estate research for area nearby M J Carter & Company Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Waelder 38,700 499 15.5
Cuero 75,200 624 10.0
Yoakum 60,600 472 9.3
Hallettsville 107,100 620 6.9
Shiner 88,600 692 9.4
Weimar 112,800 633 6.7
DeWitt County 76,400 570 9.0
Harwood-Ottine 142,000 1253 10.6
Lavaca County 87,300 612 8.4
Schulenburg 146,100 625 5.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by M J Carter & Company Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Waelder 285
Cuero 1032
Yoakum 1094
Hallettsville 1210
Shiner 683
Weimar 686
DeWitt County 3117
Harwood-Ottine 293
Lavaca County 3294
Schulenburg 608
Flatonia 669
Westhoff-Arneckville 411
Cost-Wrightsboro 220
Moulton 385
Gonzales County 2970

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by M J Carter & Company Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Waelder 69200
Cuero 164800
Yoakum 78100
Hallettsville 176300
Shiner 99000
Weimar 211500
DeWitt County 153800
Harwood-Ottine 328500
Lavaca County 177300
Schulenburg 197700
Flatonia 128100
Westhoff-Arneckville 208000
Cost-Wrightsboro 83600
Moulton 167000
Gonzales County 137500

Number of new houses in places near by M J Carter & Company Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Hallettsville 229500
DeWitt County 533300
Lavaca County 221900
Schulenburg 1000001

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by M J Carter & Company Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Waelder 36600
Cuero 59000
Yoakum 35600
Hallettsville 98900
Shiner 152400
Weimar 314000
DeWitt County 64000
Harwood-Ottine 185000
Lavaca County 98800
Schulenburg 156000
Flatonia 163200
Westhoff-Arneckville 72500
Cost-Wrightsboro 47700
Moulton 168800
Gonzales County 47900