Statistics & Research about Cuero,TX - Jhc Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Cuero,TX an area served by Jhc Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 361-277-9800

Car dealers nearby Jhc Insurance Agency Inc

Partners Chevrolet Buick Gmc

Partners Chevrolet Buick GMC, 1409 E Broadway St, Cuero, TX 77954
Phone: (361) 524-2580

Real estate research for area nearby Jhc Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Smiley 77,100 547 8.5
Victoria West 119,000 800 8.1
DeWitt County 76,400 570 9.0
Shiner 88,600 692 9.4
Quail Creek 116,600 793 8.2
Goliad North 99,800 634 7.6
Cuero 75,200 624 10.0
Lavaca County 87,300 612 8.4
Nordheim 46,000 758 19.8
Cost-Wrightsboro 95,400 625 7.9

Number of whites in places near by Jhc Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Smiley 567
Victoria West 9094
DeWitt County 13779
Shiner 3180
Quail Creek 1242
Goliad North 3100
Cuero 5725
Lavaca County 15678
Nordheim 315
Cost-Wrightsboro 1318
Victoria 56571
Yorktown 3764
Weesatche-Ander 1623
Yoakum 3159
Westhoff-Arneckville 1708

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Jhc Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Smiley 144800
Victoria West 107700
DeWitt County 81000
Shiner 71000
Quail Creek 113600
Goliad North 110200
Cuero 96300
Lavaca County 96600
Cost-Wrightsboro 113200
Victoria 123900
Yorktown 63200
Weesatche-Ander 116800
Yoakum 40800
Westhoff-Arneckville 159600

Number of new houses in places near by Jhc Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Victoria West 187500
DeWitt County 533300
Lavaca County 221900
Victoria 69200

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Jhc Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Smiley 71700
Victoria West 126400
DeWitt County 87600
Shiner 60000
Goliad North 151500
Cuero 93600
Lavaca County 86600
Nordheim 55000
Cost-Wrightsboro 89300
Victoria 99300
Yorktown 65700
Weesatche-Ander 83700
Yoakum 96000
Westhoff-Arneckville 185400