Statistics & Research about New Braunfels,TX - Hermes Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about New Braunfels,TX an area served by Hermes Insurance Agency

399 West San Antonio
New Braunfels,TX

Real estate research for area nearby Hermes Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Converse 121,800 1055 10.4
Hill Country Village 666,700 825 1.5
Mountain City 203000 NA NA
Hollywood Park 270,500 1339 5.9
Garden Ridge 409,000 1942 5.7
San Antonio 113,100 798 8.5
Live Oak 114,200 943 9.9
Cross Mountain 318,100 1778 6.7
Dripping Springs-Wimberley 289,000 998 4.1

Number of vacant houses in places near by Hermes Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Converse 321
Hill Country Village 21
Mountain City 11
Hollywood Park 140
Garden Ridge 163
San Antonio 52780
Live Oak 632
Cross Mountain 30
Dripping Springs-Wimberley 1986
Bulverde 76
Niederwald 10
Kyle-Buda 1600
Martindale 373
Woodcreek 130

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Hermes Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Converse 86000
Hill Country Village 541700
Hollywood Park 244700
Garden Ridge 242900
San Antonio 85500
Live Oak 103200
Cross Mountain 174200
Dripping Springs-Wimberley 152300
Bulverde 413200
Kyle-Buda 133600
Martindale 107400
Woodcreek 121900

Number of new houses in places near by Hermes Insurance Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Converse 139000
San Antonio 177100
Cross Mountain 298100
Dripping Springs-Wimberley 367700
Kyle-Buda 188000
Woodcreek 24200

Number of blacks in places near by Hermes Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Converse 4009
Hill Country Village 15
Mountain City 4
Garden Ridge 192
San Antonio 90488
Live Oak 1394
Cross Mountain 7
Dripping Springs-Wimberley 215
Bulverde 89
Niederwald 9
Kyle-Buda 2457
Martindale 508
Woodcreek 5