Statistics & Research about Seguin,TX - Eanes & Polk Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Seguin,TX an area served by Eanes & Polk Inc

628 N HWY 123 BYPASS STE 6
Phone : 210-379-1434

Real estate research for area nearby Eanes & Polk Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Luling 92,300 646 8.4
Caldwell County 105,600 738 8.4
China Grove 179,700 679 4.5
San Antonio Northeast 114,800 883 9.2
Canyon Lake 232,600 1023 5.3
Comal County 202,200 929 5.5
Live Oak 114,200 943 9.9
Kirby 81,900 821 12.0
Seguin 123,800 761 7.4

Number of whites in places near by Eanes & Polk Inc

Place name Number of whites
Luling 6225
Caldwell County 26476
Randolph AFB 1024
China Grove 1053
San Antonio Northeast 161235
Canyon Lake 41141
Comal County 99609
Live Oak 9762
Kirby 4799
Seguin 35018
St. Hedwig 1985
Lockhart 15683
Schertz-Cibolo 59056
New Berlin 562
Redwood 1940

Number of old houses in places near by Eanes & Polk Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Luling 75200
Caldwell County 96200
China Grove 100000
San Antonio Northeast 96100
Canyon Lake 178800
Comal County 157600
Kirby 96800
Seguin 86000
St. Hedwig 95600
Lockhart 104800
Schertz-Cibolo 77200
New Berlin 166700

Number of vacant houses in places near by Eanes & Polk Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Luling 723
Caldwell County 2074
Randolph AFB 30
China Grove 32
San Antonio Northeast 7684
Canyon Lake 3230
Comal County 6176
Live Oak 632
Kirby 199
Seguin 1983
St. Hedwig 60
Lockhart 978
Schertz-Cibolo 1906
New Berlin 11
Redwood 159

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Eanes & Polk Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Luling 88000
Caldwell County 113600
China Grove 191500
San Antonio Northeast 120300
Canyon Lake 224300
Comal County 198900
Live Oak 131000
Kirby 19700
Seguin 129200
St. Hedwig 149500
Lockhart 120100
Schertz-Cibolo 166600
New Berlin 154200
Redwood 44100