Statistics & Research about Boerne,TX - Dependable Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Boerne,TX an area served by Dependable Insurance Agency

Phone : 830-816-6601

Real estate research for area nearby Dependable Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Boerne 296,600 1013 4.1
Timberwood Park 264,500 1236 5.6
Scenic Oaks 319,600 785 2.9
Bexar County 122,600 816 8.0
Fair Oaks Ranch 395,200 2001 6.1
Grey Forest 198,700 2001 12.1
Leon Valley 135,700 750 6.6
Windcrest 165,600 966 7
San Antonio 113,100 798 8.5
San Antonio Northwest 149,900 905 7.2

Number of vacant houses in places near by Dependable Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Boerne 715
Timberwood Park 798
Scenic Oaks 86
Bexar County 63917
Fair Oaks Ranch 92
Grey Forest 17
Leon Valley 329
Windcrest 264
San Antonio 52780
San Antonio Northwest 6598
Castle Hills 192
Cross Mountain 30
Terrell Hills 68
Comfort 634
Lakehills 1049

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Dependable Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Boerne 238600
Timberwood Park 196200
Scenic Oaks 178600
Bexar County 89300
Grey Forest 233300
Leon Valley 133400
Windcrest 157200
San Antonio 85500
San Antonio Northwest 135000
Castle Hills 228500
Cross Mountain 174200
Terrell Hills 397200
Comfort 57800
Lakehills 290900

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Dependable Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Boerne 198600
Timberwood Park 188800
Scenic Oaks 306900
Bexar County 121700
Fair Oaks Ranch 347900
Grey Forest 125000
Leon Valley 110800
Windcrest 202700
San Antonio 123200
San Antonio Northwest 127800
Castle Hills 360000
Cross Mountain 284400
Terrell Hills 393800
Comfort 178600
Lakehills 114300

Number of blacks in places near by Dependable Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Boerne 155
Timberwood Park 871
Bexar County 124773
Fair Oaks Ranch 7
Grey Forest 3
Leon Valley 200
Windcrest 645
San Antonio 90488
San Antonio Northwest 15092
Castle Hills 142
Cross Mountain 7
Terrell Hills 106
Lakehills 85