Statistics & Research about Harlingen,TX - Connelly & Bartnesky Ins Agcy

Here are some statistics & research about Harlingen,TX an area served by Connelly & Bartnesky Ins Agcy

Phone : 956-425-8821

Real estate research for area nearby Connelly & Bartnesky Ins Agcy

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
East Cameron 116,800 718 7.4
La Feria 50,800 542 12.8
La Villa 48,200 238 5.9
Bixby 29300 NA NA
Encantada-Ranchito-El Calaboz 49,500 510 12.4
Harlingen-San Benito 72,000 667 11.1
Llano Grande 49,600 628 15.2
Midway North 60,100 518 10.3

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Connelly & Bartnesky Ins Agcy

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
East Cameron 142600
La Feria 47200
La Villa 55300
Encantada-Ranchito-El Calaboz 45500
Harlingen-San Benito 69600
Llano Grande 49200
Midway North 91300
San Juan 61500
Olmito 44800
Lyford 39400
Laureles 50200

Number of new houses in places near by Connelly & Bartnesky Ins Agcy

Place name Number of new houses
East Cameron 131300
Harlingen-San Benito 130100
San Juan 133800

Number of blacks in places near by Connelly & Bartnesky Ins Agcy

Place name Number of blacks
East Cameron 155
Harlingen-San Benito 1150
San Juan 44

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Connelly & Bartnesky Ins Agcy

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
East Cameron 903
La Feria 140
La Villa 71
Bixby 48
Encantada-Ranchito-El Calaboz 198
Harlingen-San Benito 5946
Llano Grande 78
Midway North 217
San Juan 1297
El Camino Angosto 65
Olmito 70
Lyford 154
Laureles 95