Statistics & Research about Lakehills,TX - Cohn Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Lakehills,TX an area served by Cohn Insurance Agency

10828 PARK RD 37
Phone : 830-751-3444

Real estate research for area nearby Cohn Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hondo 106,800 619 7.0
Helotes 244,700 1491 7.3
San Antonio Central 80,100 699 10.5
Lytle 87,200 639 8.8
Castle Hills 243,300 949 4.7
Center Point 154,100 877 6.8
Kendall County 272,800 975 4.3
Lakehills 158,100 595 4.5
Bandera 140,400 751 6.4
Boerne 296,600 1013 4.1

Number of vacant houses in places near by Cohn Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hondo 675
Helotes 70
San Antonio Central 30613
Lytle 76
Castle Hills 192
Center Point 351
Kendall County 1349
Lakehills 1049
Bandera 2167
Boerne 715
LaCoste 62
Castroville 83
Lake Medina Shores 306
Von Ormy 24
Medina County 2446

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Cohn Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Hondo 322
Helotes 1131
San Antonio Central 24618
Lytle 191
Castle Hills 485
Center Point 165
Kendall County 2553
Lakehills 268
Bandera 861
Boerne 2286
LaCoste 33
Castroville 135
Lake Medina Shores 90
Von Ormy 36
Medina County 2452

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Cohn Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hondo 138
Helotes 265
San Antonio Central 4142
Castle Hills 234
Center Point 41
Kendall County 677
Bandera 94
Boerne 677
LaCoste 13
Castroville 34
Von Ormy 10
Medina County 533

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Cohn Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Hondo 119600
Helotes 217100
San Antonio Central 85900
Lytle 151400
Castle Hills 202800
Center Point 156000
Kendall County 243500
Lakehills 120100
Bandera 120500
Boerne 263900
LaCoste 33700
Castroville 89800
Lake Medina Shores 68000
Von Ormy 52300
Medina County 101300