Statistics & Research about Yoakum,TX - Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Yoakum,TX an area served by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 361-293-5242

Car dealers nearby Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Wendel Motor

WENDEL MOTOR, 204 Irvin Street, Yoakum, TX 77995, (361) 293-3561
Phone: (361) 293-3561

Real estate research for area nearby Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Westhoff-Arneckville 111,100 1067 11.5
Smiley 77,100 547 8.5
Cost-Wrightsboro 95,400 625 7.9
Yoakum 60,600 472 9.3
Moulton 87,400 751 10.3
Waelder 38,700 499 15.5
Cuero 75,200 624 10.0
Gonzales 80,200 538 8.0
Victoria 107,100 724 8.1
Lavaca County 87,300 612 8.4

Number of whites in places near by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Westhoff-Arneckville 1708
Smiley 567
Cost-Wrightsboro 1318
Yoakum 3159
Moulton 2024
Waelder 392
Cuero 5725
Gonzales 5965
Victoria 56571
Lavaca County 15678
Hallettsville 6404
Shiner 3180
Gonzales County 11786
DeWitt County 13779

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Westhoff-Arneckville 208000
Cost-Wrightsboro 83600
Yoakum 78100
Moulton 167000
Waelder 69200
Cuero 164800
Gonzales 143100
Victoria 171600
Lavaca County 177300
Hallettsville 176300
Shiner 99000
Gonzales County 137500
DeWitt County 153800

Number of new houses in places near by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Victoria 69200
Lavaca County 221900
Hallettsville 229500
DeWitt County 533300

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Westhoff-Arneckville 185400
Smiley 71700
Cost-Wrightsboro 89300
Yoakum 96000
Moulton 79000
Waelder 66300
Cuero 93600
Gonzales 105100
Victoria 99300
Lavaca County 86600
Hallettsville 98800
Shiner 60000
Gonzales County 83100
DeWitt County 87600