Statistics & Research about Victoria,TX - Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Victoria,TX an area served by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 361-575-5858

Real estate research for area nearby Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Yoakum 60,600 472 9.3
Inez 146,000 643 5.3
Goliad 87,900 617 8.4
Victoria West 119,000 800 8.1
Jackson County 85,700 723 10.1
Kamey-Sixmile 162200 NA NA
Cuero 75,200 624 10.0
Victoria County 106,500 724 8.2
Vanderbilt 76,500 340 5.3
Edna-Cordele 89,100 758 10.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Yoakum 1094
Inez 161
Goliad 332
Victoria West 665
Jackson County 2130
Kamey-Sixmile 89
Cuero 1032
Victoria County 8645
Vanderbilt 205
Edna-Cordele 1177
Lolita 55
Goliad North 644
Bloomington 113
Victoria 7440
Victoria South 540

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Yoakum 96000
Inez 152600
Goliad 108300
Victoria West 126400
Jackson County 110100
Cuero 93600
Victoria County 98800
Edna-Cordele 115800
Goliad North 151500
Victoria 99300
Victoria South 77900

Number of blacks in places near by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Yoakum 812
Goliad 166
Victoria West 208
Jackson County 1148
Kamey-Sixmile 8
Cuero 1428
Victoria County 5499
Vanderbilt 54
Edna-Cordele 998
Goliad North 281
Bloomington 72
Victoria 5117
Victoria South 174

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Carters Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Yoakum 78100
Inez 139200
Goliad 118800
Victoria West 208400
Jackson County 103100
Kamey-Sixmile 244200
Cuero 164800
Victoria County 173300
Vanderbilt 240000
Edna-Cordele 62100
Goliad North 214800
Bloomington 29800
Victoria 171600
Victoria South 87600