Statistics & Research about Universal City,TX - Assurance Management Assoc., Inc.

Here are some statistics & research about Universal City,TX an area served by Assurance Management Assoc., Inc.

2060 Universal City Blvd Ste B
Universal City,TX
Phone : (210) 945-8999

Real estate research for area nearby Assurance Management Assoc., Inc.

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Converse 121,800 1055 10.4
Zuehl 106900 NA NA
San Antonio Central 80,100 699 10.5
Geronimo 83,700 838 12.0
Timberwood Park 264,500 1236 5.6
China Grove 179,700 679 4.5
Hollywood Park 270,500 1339 5.9
Marion 82,000 775 11.3
New Braunfels 177,800 914 6.2
Guadalupe County 154,300 852 6.6

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Assurance Management Assoc., Inc.

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Converse 3837
Zuehl 80
San Antonio Central 100318
Geronimo 77
Timberwood Park 3409
China Grove 352
Hollywood Park 679
Marion 208
New Braunfels 12219
Guadalupe County 24866
Balcones Heights 152
Southwest Guadalupe 1798
Selma 1246
Von Ormy 250
Seguin 8103

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Assurance Management Assoc., Inc.

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Converse 86000
San Antonio Central 79200
Timberwood Park 196200
China Grove 140300
Hollywood Park 244700
Marion 63100
New Braunfels 140000
Guadalupe County 90000
Southwest Guadalupe 175000
Von Ormy 68500
Seguin 81900

Number of new houses in places near by Assurance Management Assoc., Inc.

Place name Number of new houses
Converse 139000
San Antonio Central 161900
Timberwood Park 352500
New Braunfels 242000
Guadalupe County 185000
Selma 144700
Seguin 144100

Number of blacks in places near by Assurance Management Assoc., Inc.

Place name Number of blacks
Converse 4009
San Antonio Central 38312
Timberwood Park 871
China Grove 168
Marion 14
New Braunfels 1485
Guadalupe County 8256
Balcones Heights 170
Southwest Guadalupe 354
Selma 571
Seguin 2528